For this year  2 plans fom my females (if the cats will want, naturally!) push "next" under the page for look the second plan!

winter 2010

Crono delle Antiche Rune

(NFO d 03 23 - red tabby mackerel / white)


negative: FIV - FeLV (haematological tests) negative / Dicember 2009

negative: HCM - PKD - GSD-IV (search on DNA) / Jenuary 2010


CH. DK Floresta Leaò's Noa malke mis

(NFO n 09 23 - black tabby mackerel / white)


negative: FIV - FeLV (haematological tests) Dicember 2009

negative : HCM - PKD (
screening echography
2006 and search on DNA 2008)

negative : GSD-IV (search on DNA) 2008


wait these kitten's colours:

Females: 50% NFO f 09 23(Tortie tabby mackerel and mitted white),50% NFO f 03 23 (tortie tabby mackerel and white - bicolour)
Males: 50% NFO n 09 23 (black tabby mackerel and mitted white), 50% NFO n 03 23 (black tabby mackerel and white - bicolour)

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